Welcome Dernicus and Glorious Spacenoid

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Hey everyone,

I wanted to touch base and give some updates on where we are going with the blog. Personally, I’ve had a tough last couple of weeks with work, school, and my lungs collapsing. Because I haven’t been able to post this week, my good friends Dean and Frankie will both be debuting. I hope they’ll continue to contribute and add a different flavor other than what I can offer.

As far as when I’ll be posting, I hope to be putting out at least one article a week on Saturday morning. If there is more content or an especially exciting week, then I’ll also post on Wednesday night. Both Frankie and Dean will hopefully be posting at least once a month either in addition to, or instead of me. Frankie’s Crux of the Matter and Dean’s tournament reviews should become staples here. It is also possible that we will be able to reach out to other gaming communities and arrange some guest posts.

Since Games Workshop has slowed down their Warhammer 40,000 release schedule I’ve decided to attempt some codex reviews. The basic format will be an overall review, basic tactics, spamming/alternative tactics, best/worst unit, and what I’d like Games Workshop do with the codex in the future. These posts will probably have quite a bit of input from our local gaming group and hopefully I will get some good feedback.

Finally, I’d also like to start collecting tournament data from around North Carolina and the South East in general. There’s currently no good place for local gamers to see what their regional meta looks like. There isn’t a great place for me to find out what type of lists I’m likely to face at top tables in my area unless I make every tournament every weekend. I’d like to change that.

And without further delay, please welcome Dernicus and Glorious Spacenoid!

-Jordan S. Malik